Hi, I'm Ayalkbet 👋
Software Engineer. I build full stack applications.
I'm a software engineer with a passion for crafting exceptional user experiences. I'm currently focused on building products with slick design and efficient interaction
Work Experience
My Projects
Check out my latest work
I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.
Cooking Now
My journey of becoming a Software Engineer
Throughout my journey, I've made it a priority to continually evolve and sharpen my skills. Participating in workshops and connecting with tech communities has helped me a lot personally and professionally.
- A
After Graduation
Remote & Freelance
Built complex full-stack apps with Next.js 13, server components, and tRPC. Building fullstack application for clients - S
Senior Year
Jimma University
Focused on modern web tech - Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma, and TailwindCSS became my go-to stack. Led development of multiple projects. Learned more about ML/AI and implemented them in projects. - J
Junior Year
Jimma University
The sleepless nights. Mastered React.js through building tons of projects. Learned Node.js and Express for backend. Got into database design with MongoDB and PostgreSQL. Built a full-stack e-commerce site. Started learning system design and microservices architecture. - S
Sophomore Year
Jimma University
Dived into data structures & algorithms with Python. Started web dev journey with HTML/CSS/JS basics. Also learned Python and built some cool automation scripts for my daily tasks! - F
Freshman Year
Jimma University
Started my Computer Engineering journey! Learned C++ fundamentals, digital logic design, and basic electronics. Built simple circuits with Arduino and wrote my first 'Hello World'. Those assembly language assignments were brutal but taught me how computers really work. Built multiple projects with Arduino.
Get in Touch
Want to chat? Just shoot me a dm with a direct question on twitter and I'll respond whenever I can. I will ignore all soliciting.